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Cricket on Lockdown

As we descend into the second UK lockdown of the year, it is clear that 2020, although one of the most exciting formats of the game in recent times (haha!) has not been a great year for cricket. The season started late, outdoor training was limited and now it seems that no Winter Nets training will take place in the UK until next year (fingers crossed!).

But, here at FBA, we’re glasses half full kind of people, we like to look at the positives, at the bright side and try and see what we can do to make up for lost time.

So, keep your eyes open as we launch our membership options for 2021. We know that everyone is Zoomed out and struggling to engage, but we hope that we can build up some momentum for your cricketing future.

FBA’s Director of Cricket, Trevor, has launched regular Facebook Live surgeries which are attracting an international audience and we are looking forward to announcing our first FBA PACE Hub in the coming weeks.

We’ll keep you posted so don’t go anywhere – no, really, you’re not allowed 😉



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