It is rare these days for us not to be excited – things are moving very quickly at FBA! And who wouldn’t get excited about booking dates in the diary after the year we’ve had?!
As you know, First Ball Academy is not just about cricket. It’s about developing as individuals to maximise potential in whatever we do in life; using the skills developed through FBA’s cricket and mentoring programme to help support our communities and give us the confidence to make our mark.
Essentially, we’re about creating Opportunities and realising Possibilities, and that’s the theme of our Calendar going forward.
Opportunities and Possibilities = OPs
As we start getting dates in the diary (and we have some VERY exciting talks in progress!) each event will reflect our OPs objectives, from local friendlies to Masterclasses and Summer Festivals, we are going to invite you to join in and make the most of being back on the pitch.
Plus, there’s a BIG link with ‘OPs‘ so SAVE THE DATE: Monday 21st June 2021 – bet you can’t guess! Look out for updates over the next few weeks! 😉