We are thrilled to announce our first FBA PACE After School Hub at Riddlesdown Collegiate, the largest High School in Croydon!
Schools are juggling so much at the moment and extra-curricular activities are often side-lined, particularly in this age of ‘catch up’. FBA After School Hubs provide free clubs for pupils, making sure that quality cricket coaching is affordable and accessible to all.
“We are excited to be working with FBA to enhance the current cricket facility at our school, empowering students and enabling them to understand their roles and responsibilities in the game” Paul Langan, Director of Sport, Riddlesdown Collegiate
The Riddlesdown Collegiate Hub will run after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays during term time from January 2021*, when girls and boys from Years 7 through to 11 will be invited to attend in their bubble groups.
We look forward to working with Riddlesdown in the new year and hope to be announcing our second Hub soon!
As we fulfil our mission to engage more young people in cricket, we invite schools to discuss partnership working with FBA.
*Subject to Government Covid-19 guidelines